Soal Latihan Teks Descriptive Lengkap 2019

Alhamdulillah wasyukurillah, la haula walaquwwata illa billah, Allahumma sholli ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ‘ala ali sayyidina Muhammad. Pada postingan kali ini aku akan share soal-soal Teks Descriptive Kelas 7 Semester genap/2, Ada 4 Teks Descriptive dimana masing-masing teks terdiri dari 5 soal/pertanyaan sehingga total soalnya berjumlah 20 soal.

Soal yang ditanyakan berkaitan dengan teks yang ada baik pertanyaan tersurat maupun tersirat. Perhatikan kata tanya yang digunakan, memakai Formula 5 W + 1 H, kemudian di soal juga terdapat tipe pertanyaan yes-no question yang jawabanya yaitu yes/no (Kalimat yang diawali kata bantu do/does kemudian to be is atau are berarti masuk kategori pernyaan yes-no question).
 Allahumma sholli ala sayyidina Muhammad wa  Soal Latihan Teks Descriptive Lengkap 2019
Descriptive text 2019

Untuk lebih jelasnya berikut yaitu teks/passage bacaan yang diikuti pertanyaan masing-masing 5 soal:
Text 1
Bejo is one of my good friends. He is a fat boy. He has short curly hair. He has a pointed nose.  He is not short or tall. He is about 13 years old. He studies at Sekolah Menengah Pertama 8 Batang. He is still in the first grade. He often gives money to some beggars on the way going home. He is a kind boy. He goes to school or home by his nice bicycle.
1.      What is the name of the writer’s friend?
2.      What does he look like?
3.      Where does he study at?
4.      What is he like?
5.      How does he go home?

Text 2
I have a cute rabbit. It has three colors: white, yellow and black. It has long ears and wide eyes. It likes eating carrots and grass. I always feed it three times a day. It sometimes jumps around the house and the garden. I love my rabbit.
1.      What kind animal describe in the text?
2.      What does it look like?
3.      Does it eat fish?
4.      How many times does the writer feed the animal?
5.      What does it do?

Text 3
My house is not small or big. It has three bedrooms, one bathroom, one living room, one kitchen/dining room. In front of the house, there is a small park. There are some plants and flowers. Behind the house, There are a garden and a rabbit in the cage. The house is clean and comfortable to live in.
1.      What is being described in the text?
2.      How many rooms are there in the house?
3.      Is there a park in front of the house?
4.      Where is the garden and the rabbit?
5.      Is the house dirty?

Text 4
I have some jasmine flowers  at home. They grow very well. I water them everyday, morning and afternoon. I like the smell of the flower. They smell fragrant. They have beautiful color and shape. They give lots of oxygen. The house is comfortable to live because of the flowers.
1.      What flower are they?
2.      Do they grow well?
3.      When does the writer water the flowers?
4.      What do the flower give?
5.      Are the flowers red?

Semoga apa yang penulis sajikan di blog ini perihal “Soal-soal Teks Descriptive” berguna dan bermanfaat bagi yang sedang search referensi soal Descriptive text. Jangan lupa kunjungi balik blog ini karena yaitu penulis akan selalu update soal-soal lainnya. Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda. Salam sukses berjama’ah.

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