Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Sd Cuilan 1 Parts Of Body Dan Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD Bab 1 Parts Of Body Dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan soal
- Jumlah soal pilihan ganda = 25
- Jumlah soal isian singkat = 10
- Jumlah soal uraian = 5


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 What part of the body is it?
a. It is nose
b. It is eye
c. It is Head
d. It is arm

Jika ingin mengerjakan soal pilihan gandanya secara online dengan eksklusif ternilai secara Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD Bab 1 Parts Of Body Dan Kunci Jawaban
What part of the body is it?
a. It is leg
b. It is lip
c. It is head
d. It is arm

3. Nose is part of our ....
a. Leg
b. Foot
c. Face
d. Stomach

4. Ear is part of our ....
a. Mouth
b. Head
c. Back
d. Fingers

5. My head is covered by ....
a. Arm
b. Hair
c. Elbow
d. Teet

6. Every hands have ..... fingers
a. Ten
b. Five
c. Seven
d. One

7. We have .... ears.
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five

8. We have .... lip.
a. Four
b. Three
c. Two
d. One

9. Alia : “Is that your nose?”
Sinta : “No, ....................”
a. That is not
b. That not is
c. Is that not
d. Not that is

10. Dina : “Is this your foot?”
Kusuma : “Yes, ...................”
a. This not
b. This is not
c. This is
d. Is this

11. Saya punya dua kaki
The English sentence is ....
a. I have two ears
b. I have two Foots
c. I have two elbows
d. I have two heads

12. Mulut yaitu cuilan dari wajah
The english sentences is ....
a. Mouth is part of face
b. Teeth is part of face
c. Lip is part of face
d. Chin is part of face

13. Kita mempunyai satu kepala
The english senteces is ....
a. We have one forehead
b. We have one knee
c. We have one back
d. We have one head

14. Santi is listening radio with her .....
a. Eyes
b. Ears
c. Heads
d. Legs

15. Dika is watching television with his ....
a. Eyes
b. Ears
c. Cheeks
d. Arms

16. We talk wit our ....
a. Cheek
b. Head
c. Knee
d. Mouth

17. Above your eyes, there is ....
a. Leg
b. Finger
c. Stomach
d. Forehead

18. Our ears are on the .... and .... side.
a. Right and above
b. Right and left
c. Left and under 
 d. Under and above

19. is – this – my – elbow
The correct order is ....
a. This my is elbow
b. My elbow this is
c. This is my elbow
d. Elbow my is this

20. have – two – I – hands
The correct order is ....
a. I have two hands
b. I have hands two
c. I two have hands
d. Hands I have two

21. that – is – knee – your - ?
The correct order is ....
a. That is your knee?
b. Is that your knee?
c. Your knee is that?
d. Knee is that your?

22. I always wash my face
The Indonesian sentece is ....
a. Aku selalu mencuci mulutku
b. Aku selalu mencuci mukaku
c. Aku selalu menuci kakiku
d. Aku selalu mencuci tanganku

23. My lip is red
The Indonesian sentence is ....
a. Bibirku ada dua
b. Gigiku berwarna putih
c. Bibirku berwarna merah
d. Rambutku berwarna merah

24. Sania : “Deni, what is an ear for?”
Deni : “It is for ....... to something.”
a. Watching
b. Listening
c. Catching
d. Jumping

25. Raka : “Selly, what is an mouth for?”
Selly : “It is for ....... to something.”
a. Shooting
b. Singing
c. Talking
d. Talking

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- > Soal Online Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD Bab 1 Parts Of Body


1. Fingers is part of our ....

2. We have .... hands.

3. We jump with our ....

4. Rambutku itu hitam
The english sentences is ....

5. Saya punya sepuluh jari
The english sentence is ....

6. is – your – forehead – this - ?
The correct order is ....

7. have – one – nose – we
The correct order is ....

8. The colour of teets is ....

9. Sintia : “How many arms do you have?”
Lani : “ I have .... arms.”

10. Thumb is part of fingers
The Indonesian sentence is ....


Jika ingin mengerjakan soal pilihan gandanya secara online dengan eksklusif ternilai secara Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD Bab 1 Parts Of Body Dan Kunci Jawaban

Ragil : “Is that your elbow?”
Rudi : “No, ....................”
Ragil : “What part of the body is it?”
Rudi : “It is ..................”

Jika ingin mengerjakan soal pilihan gandanya secara online dengan eksklusif ternilai secara Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD Bab 1 Parts Of Body Dan Kunci Jawaban
Panji : “Is this your cheek?”
Siska : “No, .......................”
Panji : “What part of the body is it?”
Siska : “It is .......................”

3. Mention 5 parts of face!
Jawab : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Write these sentences into Indonesian!
a. How many legs do you have?
b. We have two legs and two knees.
Jawab : ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Write these sentences into English!
a. Saya punya dua tangan, tangan saya punya lima jari
b. Kita punya dua mata, dua telingan dan satu hidung
Jawab : ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Jika ingin mengerjakan soal pilihan gandanya secara online dengan eksklusif ternilai secara online, silahkan dicoba :
- > Soal Online Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD Bab 1 Parts Of Body



1. b. It is eye
2. d. It is arm
3. c. Face
4. b. Head
5. b. Hair
6. b. Five
7. a. Two
8. d. One
9. a. That is not
10. c. This is
11. b. I have two Foots
12. a. Mouth is part of face
13. d. We have one head
14. b. Ears
15. a. Eyes
16. d. Mouth
17. d. Forehead
18. b. Right and left
19. c. This is my elbow
20. a. I have two hands
21. b. Is that your knee?
22. b. Aku selalu mencuci mukaku
23. c. Bibirku berwarna merah
24. b. Listening
25. d. Talking


1. Hands
2. Two
3. Legs
4. My Hairs is black
5. I have ten fingers
6. Is this your forehead?
7. We have one nose
8. White
9. Two
10. Jempol yaitu cuilan dari jari-jari


1. Ragil : “Is that your elbow?”
Rudi : “No, that is not.”
Ragil : “What part of the body is it?”
Rudi : “It is my fingers.”

2. Panji : “Is this your cheek?”
Siska : “No, this is not.”
Panji : “What part of the body is it?”
Siska : “It is my mouth”

3. - Nose
- Eyes
- Cheek
- Mouth
- Chin
- Forehead
- Eyelip
- Eyebrow
- Lip

4. a. How many legs do you have? = Berapa jumlah kaki yang kamu punya?
b. We have two legs and two knees = Kita punya dua kaki dan dua lutut.

5. a. Saya punya dua tangan, tangan saya punya lima jari = I have two arms, my arm have five fingers.
b. Kita punya dua mata, dua indera pendengaran dan satu hidung = We have two eyes, two ears and one nose.

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