Prediksi Soal Essay Pat Inggris Kelas Vii Di Batang

Berikut ini aku akan discuss wacana prediksi soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2019 di Kabupaten Batang khususnya untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama swasta dan negeri di wilayah ini. Seperti yang sudah di tahun-tahun kapungkur bahwa di Batang, soal sehabis multiple choice akan diikuti oleh soal dengan tipe benar-salah (true-false), menjodohkan (matching), rearrange words into a good sentence, rearrange jumbled sentences into a good dialogue, etc. Nah itu adalah sebagian tipe atau jenis soal yang dikeluarkan di daerah Batang ini terutama untuk SMP, untuk MTs tidak memakai tipe soal yang seolah-olah di atas tadi, untuk MTs Se-Kab. Batang soal terdiri atas 40 multiple choice, diikuti hanya 5 soal Essay saja.
Berikut ini aku akan discuss wacana prediksi  Prediksi Soal Essay PAT Inggris Kelas VII di Batang
Kelas 7 D Sekolah Menengah Pertama N 8 Batang Jawa Tengah
Berikut penulis share di sini khusus soal prediksi PAS Genap Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Se-Kab. Batang Jawa Tengah:
Part 1
My name is Dicky. I live at 25 Jalan Ki Mangunsarkoro Batang. I am a student of Sekolah Menengah Pertama 1 Batang. My father, Mr. Anto is a doctor. He cures his patients in RSUD Kalisari Batang. Mrs. Hartini is my mother. She is a teacher. She teaches at Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 1 Batang. My father always goes to the hospital by a car. My mother goes to work by a motorcycle. I go to school by a bike. I have a pet. It is a cat. I call it, Leo. It has white and black fur. It also has long tail. Its claws and teeth are sharp. I feed it three times a week. I give it fish, and meat.

State True (T) or False (F) on the following statements based on the text!
Dicky is an elementary student.

His father works in the hospital.

His mother goes to work on foot.

He studies to school by a bicycle.

He likes a dog.

The cat has a short tail.

The teeth of the cat are sharp

Dicky always feeds Leo only with fish

The cat likes to eat tofu.

His parents do not like cats.

Match the left column onto the right one!

Dicky’s father Profession
A. Meat
The school where Dicky’s mother teaches.
B. Cat
Dicky ride this to go to school
C. Motorcycle
Dicky feeds this animal 3 times a day.
D. Doctor
The cat eat this kind of food
E. Bicycle

F. Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 1 Batang

Part 2
Rearrange the following jumbled words into a good paragraph!
The recepients- to – always – the letters – send – a postman
The classroom – my mother – her students – usually – teaches – in
Who – a person – the ricefield – grows – rice – is – in – a farmer.
By – go – school – to – sometimes – I – A bike
The passangers – a stewardess –serves – the plane - on

Part 3
Classify/Group the animals below based on their movements!
-      Bird
-      Turtle
-      Kangaroo
-      Penguin
-      Rabbit
-      Fish
-      Frog
-      Bee
-      Butterfly
-      Crocodile


Part 4
Rearrange the jumbled dialogue into a good one!
Look, the park is beautiful.
Yes, you’re right. How about the flowers?
They’re colorful. Do you like that park?
Yes, I do. It  is also clean. Let’ go there to enjoy the fresh air.
All right. That’s a good idea.

-          They’re colorful. Do you like that park?
-          Look, the park is beautiful!
-          All right. That’s a good idea
-          Yes, I do. It is also clean.  Let’s go there to enjoy the fresh air!
-          Yes, you’re right. How about the flowers?

Soal-soal itu sifatnya hanya sebagai exercise dan latihan drill semoga anda terutama siswa siswi Sekolah Menengah Pertama semoga lebih siap dalam menghadapi Soal PAT Inggris yang sesungguhnya. Untuk Batang, PAT akan dilaksanakan sekitar tanggal 20 Mei 2019 hingga dengan selesai.

Penulis ucapkan terima kasih maturnuwun sampun purun mampir wonten blog penulis di Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama MTs dot com ini. Semoga bermanfaat. Amin Wassalamu’alaikum warahtullahi wabarakatuh. Salam sukses buat kita semua. Amin.

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